Inside Out Empowerment

18: IOE #18: Amy Pamensky - Nourish your body, Follow your heart



Joshua Nussbaum sits down with Amy Pamensky, a respected writer, Eating Psychology Coach & Holistic Nutritionist to discuss the importance of changing our relationships with food to achieve a healthier body-image, spirituality & mindset. SUMMARY OF TAKE AWAYS -Amy’s background -Understanding the different types of hunger -Steps to take for how to properly treat your body -How to feed yourself so you feel energized and ensure your metabolism is working well -Understanding food sensitivities - Techniques to nourish your mind -Healthy lifestyle tips -What meditation does for the mind and body NOTABLE QUESTIONS/LESSONS -People have to become uncomfortable in order to make a change because they are so unhappy with how their life is now due to a traumatic incident (8:46) -You have to get so uncomfortable it makes it the path of least resistance to create radical change (9:46) -If you are in a rotten place inside, people don’t get the gift that’s you (14:03) -What are the th