Inside Out Empowerment

1: IOE #01: What Do You Want? How to goal set effectively.



You can’t hit your goal if you don’t know what it is! Learn not just the importance of goal setting but practical visualization exercises on HOW TO GET CLEAR ON WHAT YOU WANT. Included below is the first chapter of my book titled “What Do You Want” this podcast episode was based on.  Please Subscribe to Inside Out Empowerment Podcast to get motivation and insights delivered to you directly by clicking this link: Chapter 1: What do you want?!? I make it a point to ask multiple people daily “what do you want?”. Before identifying where you are with your present physical condition or what stops you from getting to your dream body destination, before exploring the multitude of alternate paths you can travel to avoid road blocks, identifying your destination is a great place to start. It’s damn near impossible to hit your mark if you don’t even know what your mark is. It is with this in mind I enjoy asking many individuals I come