About Regional

Andrew Weglarz - NSW Corrective Services Museum - About Regional with Ian Campbell Episode 9



Stream episodes on demand from www.bitesz.com (mobile friendly) Show notes, episode 9 Welcome to About Regional, a new place for the stories of South East NSW. My partners in this week’s podcast are Light to Light Camps – pristine beaches, great food, hot showers and comfy beds. This is your chance to explore the Wilderness Coast in style. More at www.lighttolightcamps.com.au Thanks to Jen, Arthur and Jake for your support. Today an interview that was a real surprise to me. I stuck a microphone in front of Andrew Weglarz at the NSW Corrective Services Museum at Cooma recently – with no real plan for the conversation. Andrew’s insight and intellect took hold and I was just a passenger. Andrew’s passion masks the fact that he is only new to the job and new to Australia. Andrew and the Museum hosted the launch of MoSE – The Museum of the South East, an online collection of significant artefacts from museums of the Bega Valley, Eurobodalla and Snowy Monaro. Feedback, story ideas and advertising enquir