Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

Live Check in Q&A No.105



LISTEN TO THE END OF TH EPODCAST FOR SOMETHING SPECIAL! Time: 00:24 I feel like I am really gonna struggle to shut off from work as I am away, how can I detach myself from work without feeling that I have no control over my business and avoid checking my phone every 10 mins Time: 3:28 A parent has enquired about me helping their teenage son (15) to get fit for the new rugby season. They have tried a few coaches but none have agreed. I feel like I could help them but i'm not sure what would be required from a qualification/insurance perspective? As it's not a demographic i've worked with before do you think it's best to find a coach that's more experienced and refer? Time: 6:36 How do you price things if everything is individual? Time: 9:04 How do I know what topics to cover in a new client onboarding email series? Time: 11:45 How to get better at asking the right questions for the client? Time: 14:36 I've just been thinking about my marketing over summer and I ha