Nicole Bremner

Launch a powerful podcast in 2021 with James Burtt the Podcast King #68



EP68: "I dunno, I'll give it a go!" - James Burtt2020 will be the year of podcasts with seemingly everyone starting one. But the listening numbers are increasing rapidly too. This is why I invited one of Europe's top podcast trainers James Burtt to take us through his process. James has launched  129 podcast shows with over 80% of those shows landing in the charts and has hosted some top names like Grant Cardone, Elena Cardone and many more on his own podcast. About James Burtt : James Burtt is a multiple iTunes Top 50 Podcaster, a certified Performance Coach, and having launched 100+ podcasts for clients, an in-demand Media Trainer. His love of radio and broadcast started 14 years ago when he ventured into the world of Broadcast PR which led to him working with some of the world's biggest household name brands and eventually led to him becoming a radio presenter.James is an international keynote speaker who has shared the stage with the likes ofLes Brown and Eddie 'The Eagle&apo