Polling Politics

42: Wales Watching (with Roger Awan-Scully and Lauren McEvatt)



Polling Politics is back for a mini-series of bitesized episodes about what Joe is calling 'Super Thursday'. First up: Wales. How has covid impacted Labour and Mark Drakeford? Is Welsh independence a 'thing'? And why do some parties want to abolish devolution? Joe is joined by Roger Awan-Scully from Cardiff University, who also chairs the Political Studies Association, and Conservative commentator and former Wales SpAd, Lauren McEvatt. Presented by Joe Twyman. With Roger Awan-Scully and Lauren McEvatt. Produced by Nick Hilton. Theme music by Joe Button. This is a Podot podcast. For more details go to podotpods.com and for sales and advertising email nick@podotpods.com