Polling Politics

38: The (Night)Mayor Before Christmas (with Rory Stewart)



On this week's Polling Politics, Joe and Marie are joined by former Tory minister and newly independent London mayoral candidate, Rory Stewart. They discuss his ambitions for London, why he thinks Sadiq Khan will be the next Prime Minister, and whether Pret is the most Remain of all chain restaurants. We also dial up Matthew Shaddick from Ladbrokes to see whether Dominic Raab might be upset in Esher and Walton. This podcast is sponsored by Ladbrokes. Presented by Joe Twyman and Marie Le Conte. With Rory Stewart. Produced by Nick Hilton. Theme music by Joe Button. This is a Podot podcast. For more details go to podotpods.com and for sales and advertising email nick@podotpods.com