Selling The Couch With Melvin Varghese, Ph.d. | Weekly Conversations To Build And Grow Your Counseling Private Practice

340: 3 Meetings 99% of Course Creators Don’t Schedule But Absolutely Need



Are you a course creator who wants to get better and better at your craft? I launched my first online course back in 2015, and I’m glad I did it and started on this journey. The truth is that I had no clue what I was doing! I feel like I’ve learned so much since then, and I’m happy to share those things with all of you. In today’s session, I’m discussing three non-negotiable meetings that I’ve implemented with my online courses. This simple technique has played a massive role in making over $300K more than the original $2K I made from the same course in 2015. Are you curious to hear more? Join me!You’ll Learn:Three meetings course creators need:After-action review (AARS)--takes place after a launch. Ask and answer three questions: What went well? What did not go well? What was missing?This simple step has a massive impact on course growth and future scaling.Live chat–is a way to “put yourself out there”I recommend a quarterly live chat with existing students, whether one-on-one or in a group.This feedbac