Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

How to Feel in Control Around Food



Do you feel out of control around food?This is something that a lot of people struggle with, so I want you to know that I hear you. You’re not alone. So many people struggle with feeling out of control when it comes to weight and food or fear losing control once they have it. In this episode, I’m sharing what I’ve learned about control that totally changed how I think and feel about it. Tune in for a discussion about listening to your wants and needs, managing your thoughts and feelings, and finding more peace and freedom around food. Topics covered in this episode include:Things that you do and don’t have control over Focusing your energy on things within your control Learning to manage your thoughts and feelings Why control might not really be what you’re looking for If you’re tired of feeling like you can’t control yourself around food, this episode will help you reframe how you think about control and finally shake that out-of-control feeling. Let’s get started! All show notes are available at  https://ka