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Quick Tip: How to Deal with Imposter Syndrome



I am back with another quick tip episode. These episodes have tips or strategies you can use to help you grow your online business so you can have a bigger impact and increase your revenue in the process. Have you ever told yourself that you’re not qualified to be doing this work? That someone else could do it better than you? That you’re not good enough? You're not the only one who has those thoughts and feelings. We call it imposter syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a psychological term that refers to a behavior pattern where people doubt their accomplishments and have a persistent, often internalized fear of being exposed as a fraud.In this episode, I’m going to share some of the scientific research into imposter syndrome, as well as my own experience with it, and what I see from my students dealing with it. I’m also sharing five things that can help you move past imposter syndrome. If you want to hear more like this, I want to invite you to join my brand new Optimized CEO Community Facebook group. This