Diamond Factory

17 - 10 - 16 Beth Whicker [Downline Whispering]



MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Beth Whicker, YL Platinum on Downline Whispering You've sponsored some people, what next? A few have expressed interest in the business, others simply love the product. How often do you contact them? What's the best way to start a business builder so you don't mess them up? Many builders are AWESOME sponsorers, but they feel lost once someone joins their team. Beth Whicker - YL Platinum, Elevate Conference brain child, and author of "Downline Whispering: The Art of Knowing & Growing Your Team" is on THIS Monday Call 10/15. She quickly built her team to Platinum in 16 months and has created a group of 75 builders and growing that she feels as close to them as her own family. Join us for a fun and crazy good informative call! What we'll talk about: 1. How to reach out to your team without annoying them - balancing too much and too little. 2. Using REPORTS! Ack, sometimes you have to work the numbers to see what's happening but Beth has an easy way to do it. 3. What live events do fo