Diamond Factory

17 - 10 - 9 Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, And Brooke Sexton [After Enrollment, NOW WHAT]



MONDAY NIGHT CALL: Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, and Brooke Sexton After Enrollment, NOW WHAT? Is it easy for you to get people on Essential Rewards? Or, would you rather scrub toilets than ask for a monthly autoship order from your new enrollments? When a problem is posed, leaders will step up to solve it! Susan Richardson, Bobbi Decker, and Brooke Sexton have treated an incredibly effective tool used in their team to get people on Essential Rewards AT THE POINT OF ENROLLMENT! This Monday this Ohio based team are going to give you the down and dirty that will bump your ER rate by the end of the month if you IMPLEMENT. What you’ll learn: How to talk about ER at the point of enrollment so you don’t sound pushy or desperate. Essential Rewards is the backbone of stability in our business, what percentage of people you should expect to participate in the program. Even when ALL GOES WRONG during a presentation, how to save it so your time wasn’t totally wasted. (Not that messing up a class ev