Diamond Factory

17 - 10 - 2 Jordan Schrandt [Royal Crown Diamond]



Monday Night CALL: Royal Crown Diamond Jordan Schrandt How on earth is it possible to go Royal Crown in 5 years? How can one person start a movement and mobilize a team to reach the top in what was deemed “impossible” just a few years ago? This Monday Jordan Schrandt, YL Royal Crown Diamond will be on the call. She was a struggling stay at home mom that felt any day her life would drown her. She was introduced to Young Living and became unstoppable to help families and be a catalyst for change. Jordan created a movement of moms that has lead her to great success, however more importantly her team has new high ranking leaders every month. Every month more families are set free to live the lives they were called to. What you’ll learn: How you can talk to people about the benefits of Young Living without the fear you’re going to say the something NON-compliant. Empowering women & moms to learn the ropes then fly on their own, teaching others to do the same. Getting people on your team to do the business.