Todd Sylvester Inspires Beliefcast

Jill Tupper



Jill Tupper is a remarkable individual who embodies the spirit of a true warrior and is dedicated to making the world a better place.  Jill is a Global Speaker, Leadership Innovator, and Masters in Leadership graduate. She has an extensive background working with F500 companies and organizations such as Boeing, McDonald's, AMEX, YPO, and Young Life. Jill's experiences range from climbing Kilimanjaro to collaborating with Mother Teresa's Missionary of Charity in Calcutta and Ethiopia, as well as participating in marathons and triathlons. She combines neuroscience with the core strengths of Body, Mind, and Purpose to empower leaders and propel them to new heights.   Jill holds a B.S. in Occupational Therapy and previously served as an Instructor at The Rady Center for Executive Development at UCSD. Currently, she is dedicated to training and equipping first responders, soldiers, refugees, and leaders affected by the devastating war in Ukraine. Through her Neuroscience Training program titled "Calm within the Un