Food Afield With John Schneider

How to be a Better Hunter - Ethan Rodrigue - A Traditional Bowhunter's Journey



How To Be A Better BowhunterEthan Rodrigue is part of the Stickboys Podcast crew and was kind enough to join us on the latest episode of the Traditional Bowhunter's Journey, brought to you by the Traditional Bowhunter Magazine. Ethan is all about the trad bow and bowhunting. He is extremely knowledgeable about the issues surrounding the current state of hunting and the "industry". He is also very much involved in the PBS and we chatted about that great organization and how they are helping folks get involved in the traditional bowhunting lifestyle.The Traditional Bowhunting LifestyleIn this episode, Ethan made several points that surprised me with their clarity. His insights made me rethink my approach to hunting and have definitely inspired me to try to become a "better bowhunter".What I appreciated most about Ethan's message was his focus on the basics. In today's age of social media and instant gratification, it's easy to get lost in the noise and forget the fundamen