Be Fabbo - A Wedding Industry Podcast

82: Fearless: Don’t Be Afraid To Start Over



 On this episode of Be Fabbo Podcast - Business + Personal Growth for Creative Entrepreneurs, Bobbi talks about not being afraid to start over in a new place, both in life and career. She shares her own experience of stepping away from behind the camera her successful wedding photography business after 42 years making her health and family obligations a priority and moving to a new state. The episode emphasizes embracing growth for personal and professional success and constantly seeking change. Bobbi encourages bringing confidence and expertise from past experiences into new endeavors and pursuing daily improvement. Starting something new may lead to discovering or re-igniting a passion for current pursuits. She believes leaving one's career on their own terms is a springboard to their next fabbo future. The audience is encouraged to join the conversation and grab their earbuds.Topics covered in the Be Fabbo Podcast episode "Fearless: Don't Be Afraid to Start Over": - Embracing excitement