Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

How to Deal With Administration and Stay Sane



I know you might not love me for saying this, but let’s talk about administration. Stick with me! It’s going to be worth it. There are a lot of negative attitudes towards administrators in the U.S. healthcare system, and those attitudes are causing problems for everyone. I have some compelling reasons to convince you to change the way you think about administration that you’ll hear in this episode, but mostly I want to make your job and workplace more enjoyable. Will you let me try?I’m sharing some of the issues that come up most frequently for doctors dealing with administration and what you can do to improve each situation.Topics covered in this episode include:The problem with using social media to process emotionsHow to feel more fulfilled at workWhy we shouldn’t villainize administrators and what happens when we doHow to get out of the victim mentality and take back your powerIf you’re willing to have an open mind about your feelings towards hospital administration, tune in. All show notes are available