Saffron And Peri

Season 5 Announcement: A Long Wait Continues Yet A Destination Is Promised



Hi everyone! This is Sara here with Saffron and Peri news! I know it’s been…a little while…ok, maybe a few years? Since our last season. But I’m super excited to announce that we’re back with a fifth season, and it’ll be coming out later this year! I can’t give you an exact date yet, other than saying we’re looking at a fall release, but we’ll have news on an exact day and time as we near it. I cannot WAIT for you all to hear it—this season is gonna be SO GOOD!! I mean, I’m biased because I adore all of Jenan’s writing, but I’ve read the scripts for 4 out of 6 episodes, and it is EXCELLENT stuff. Crackling dialogue, well-placed (well-paced) plot (wow, say THAT three times fast), goblins, humor, murder, mystery—it’s got it all! If you don’t remember where we left off, don’t worry, I gotchu covered. I’ll be putting together a “previously on” update to get you all caught up—or you can always re-listen to our last four seasons in a marathon…a listen-a-thon? Wow, no, that word absolutely does not work. (Oo, audio-