Jamie Clubb's Podcast

The Way of the Wolf Part I



The wolf is a powerful icon and metaphor, used to exemplify a particular type of predator. . Wolves and humans have long shared hunting grounds, resulting in the extinction of wolves in some regions of the world and the earliest domesticaion of a species of wolf in the form of the dog. Human society has cast "The Big Bad Wolf" as the leading symbol for the main villain of any narrative. Balanced against this, humans have also derived many positive attributes from the wolf. However, amidst the confusion between metaphor and fantasy, other ideas have fed into the human society. This has ended up in the martial arts and self-protection subculture. This episode takes a critical look at Gavin de Becker's book "The Gift of Fear" (and the mainstream culture that promoted it) in exploring human predator warning signals, revealing the disturbing fact that the very same warning signs self-protection teachers recommend their students look out for in offenders are also being used to recruit stude