The Urban Farm Podcast With Greg Peterson

749: Maayan Chelsea and Scotty Karas on Ritual Farming



Connecting people to the cycles and rhythms of growing foodIn This Podcast:Maayan Chelsea and Scotty Karas share how they integrated their interests in sustainability with their desire to grow food and build community, and along the way recognized the rhythms and cycles of nature that connect people to the earth.  They’ve been able to eat meals that but for the spices are 100% from their own garden and we learn how they got to this point and where they go next.Mayaan and Scotty are a husband-and-wife team living in community at SunSong Community in Barnardsville, North Carolina. Maayan is a mother, Earth steward, Flower grower and belly feeder, while Scotty is a farmer, orchardist, and community weaver. Together they co-founded Soul Gardens, an organization that hosts programs and workshops that connect people to the Earth and the source of their nourishment. Soul Gardens offers a 7-month long, once a week Ritual Farming Immersion that immerses adults in deep care for the Earth, growing and preserving fo