Biz Women Talk With Julie Foucht

Finding Focus and Flexibility in Leadership with Betsy Kauffman



Talk about femininity and I instantly feel grounded and in tune with my inner self. Yet,  for each of us the Divine Feminine shows up uniquely and  plays out in different shapes and forms.  Today I am talking to Betsy Kauffman, who is fierce when it comes to her work and the power of her femininity. Listen up to her take on femininity in the work space.    Betsy is a globally recognized Organizational Agility Coach with more than 20 years of experience working in Fortune 500 companies as well as the Founder, CEO, and Coach at Cross Impact, speaker, and mentor in the Charlotte Women in Business Mentoring Program.    She spent 20+ years working in corporate America trying to figure out how to balance motherhood, working full time, and climbing the corporate ladder in a competitive tech environment where women weren’t supportive of each other. In 2014, Betsy started Cross Impact when she realized the organizational work she was doing and 1:1 leadership coaching were desperately needed in organizations worldwide.