Group Talk - Small Group Network

10 Strategic Tips for Follow Up with Small Group Leaders



Goal: To know how to set and be comfortable having coffee/follow ups with Small Group leaders.Why: We want you to be totally comfortable contacting and meeting with small group leaders.It is important to remember that these folks are just like you. They have goals, fears, hurts, insecurities,families, family problems, health concerns and everything else you can imagine.Be confident - Biblical basics: God owns everything, and I am His manager. (Ps. 24:1, Matt. 25:14-30) You are their pastor. You are responsible for their health (2 Cor 5:10)Know the landscape:These are financial, spiritual and emotional issues. Isolation, spiritual void Materialism, 1/3 of those earning over $250k per year live paycheck to paycheck. Business, environment setting their prioritiesPrepare Yourself:Am I living out biblical health in my own life? Do you buy what you sell? 5 purposes Active in my group balancing the purposes Have YOUR own story ready to share.Where do you start:1. Review your group list:a. You may already kn