Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Weight Loss Success Story: Sandi Seigel MD, FRCP(C)



Is it really harder to lose weight after a certain age?Let’s hear from someone who’s done it. Sandi Seigel MD, FRCP(C) is joining me in this episode to share her weight loss success story with you. I love sharing these stories and can’t wait for you to hear all about Sandi’s journey. We’re talking a lot about what to do if you’re a foodie but want to get your eating under control, dealing with work responsibilities and the stress of being short-staffed, and choosing to improve your quality of life after the age of 60. I think you’re going to get a lot of inspiration not only from Sandi’s experiences but also from her outlook on life. Topics covered in this episode include:Breaking the cycle of losing and gaining weight Investing in yourself later in lifeHow to enjoy food without being controlled by it Reframing how you think about work when things are out of your controlIf you’ve ever felt like it’s too late for you to make a change or there’s no point in trying at your age, this episode might just change you