Nicole Bremner

The future of female empowerment and the power of the mentor with BelEve UK founder Marsha Powell #89



“A lot of girls don’t look in the mirror…they’re afraid of what they will see, of not loving what they will see, because of the imagery they are exposed to on social media every single day.”Today’s guest, Marsha Powell, is the ambitious CEO of BelEve UK, a London-based charity created to offer support, guidance, education, confidence, self-esteem, opportunities, positive solutions, and role models to young girls. Having herself grown up in a large family (her mum was one of nine children and Marsha herself has three sisters), Marsha has been surrounded by love and support, particularly from women, all her life. When her mother died suddenly from cancer at just 52, Marsha created BelEve as her legacy – helping to keep her mother’s ‘magic’ alive. “I was 32 when my mum died so I know what it’s like, as an adult, not to have a cheerleader. But I also know what it’s like to have one,” she says. “What if I could recreate some of what my mum gave me for other girls who don’t have that?” Marsha believes every girl ne