Shane Plays

Incredible Cosplay With Simple Tricks & Nonsense - Episode 269 - 7/16/2023



Johnny Havoc (John McDonald) and Newt (Rebekah McDonald) of Simple Tricks & Nonsense join to discuss their incredible cosplay. What does cosplay mean to them? The economics of cosplay, including material and labor. Cosplay includes the challenge of taking something two-dimensional and making it work practically in three dimensions. For people who create cosplay as art, cons are like their art galleries. It’s very OK to ask cosplayers to take a pic with them, truly. What famous movie quote inspired ST&N’s moniker? How big is the Masters of the Universe fandom? Newt has literally lived up to her nickname. We’re hoping Johnny will Gorn it up someday. Cobra-La, yes or no? The Venture Bros. Kids locking themselves in the bathroom when their toys die. The startling connection between Robocop and a trash dumpster. Cartoon villain smack-talk contest. Shane Plays Geek Talk Episode #269 - 7/16/2023 Like what you hear? Support Shane Plays Geek Talk on Patreon! Listen to the S