Bill Kelly Show

Trudeau finally getting Canada’s act together on NATO front, Premiers urged Ottawa to follow through on bail reform & Will Canadians respond to Poilievre’s makeover?



The Bill Kelly Show Podcast: It’s great to see the PM getting the message — but Canada is still terribly late to the party. We won’t completely fulfil the Latvian commitment until 2026. This also means that Canada’s peacekeeping efforts in other parts of the world, such as Haiti, will be curtailed. After years of neglect, our military simply doesn’t have the troop strength to support in all the places where it is sorely needed. So why is Trudeau finally getting Canada’s act together on NATO?  GUEST: Tasha Kheiriddin, Principal at Navigator and Author of The Right Path - Public safety is top of mind for the country’s provincial and territorial leaders who say Canadians “cannot afford to wait” on bail reform and they themselves are “deeply disappointed” that legislation addressing their concerns has not yet passed. GUEST: Michael Kempa, Associate Professor of Criminology at the University of Ottawa - Pierre Poilievre took off his glasses slipped on a white t-shirt. Will Canadians respond to his makeover? GUEST: