Nicole Bremner

How to accelerate your business using Virtual Assistants, with founder of The Freedom Geek, Imogen Cook #90



“The value of time for entrepreneurs is the most important thing.”Have you ever felt a need to clone yourself? I know I have. Running a business,  family and podcast – there just never seems to be enough time in the day. I have today’s guest, the queen of delegation outsourcing expert and coach Imogen Cook, to thank for taking some of the pressure off my shoulders  as she introduced me to Kim, who runs this podcast. In 2015, Imogen went from a full-time corporate world that she hated to launching a dynamic company that helps entrepreneurs accelerate their businesses by leveraging high-quality, yet affordable, Virtual Assistants from the Philippines. Her idea for The Freedom Geek came about while she was building her own real estate business, where she raised finance from angel investors to fund property projects. Facing burnout, she ran an advert on a Filipino job website looking for someone she could delegate to. Inundated with responses, and surprised by the quality of the skillset available, Imogen hired o