Geneva Push

308 - Responding To Wisdom From Elders (Part 2)



What advice would you give your younger self, especially in ministry? We asked Al and Kathy Stewart and Laurel Hall and asked them what they would say in Part 2 of our learning from elders. "I need you to manage your time and you want to really focus on ministry and really go for it. But also you got to be give your family strong marriage, your kids. Remember, your little kids are only  little for a little while. That's what I'd tell my younger dumb self. Be around more for your kids. And the other one is invest in those long term friendships that are gold in the long run. That's one thing I did get right. I've got over 35 year friendships with guys in ministry and that really does help keep you going." (Al Stewart) "I would say make sure you do it together with your husband. Because we talked about going to ministry after getting married.  But also that it's that the gospel, or gospel work [career], doesn't take top priority over other important things sometimes.&q