Radically Loved With Rosie Acosta

Episode 93| INTENTION| 3 Tips on Finding Your Personal Power



The two universal laws of impermanence are uncertainty and unpredictability. When life changes unexpectedly, we can often feel off balance, insecure, and unclear of what really matters and/or what to do next. This is normal. What can support us to reclaim our life and tap into our internal wisdom is re-asserting our strength of mind and heart. Mindfulness and compassion are two important qualities that increase our resilience. At this pivotal time in our world, we need to cultivate both. Compassion in action has the ability to heal and transform oneself and thus the world into a place that takes the welfare of all beings into consideration. How do I give away my power? When I listen to the critical and judgmental thoughts that disempower my worth, potential, and abilities. When I am going too fast. When I say yes, when I really mean no, or not yet. When I don’t listen to my feelings and needs. When I don’t stick up for myself and share my feelings and needs with others. When I am not taking good care of mys