Radically Loved With Rosie Acosta

Episode 32| Radical Mindfulness with David Vago Ph.D. Neuroscientist and Psychology



David’s research interests broadly focus on utilizing translational models to identify and characterize neurobiological substrates mediating psychopathology, to better predict outcomes and potential biologically-based diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for those suffering with mental illness. In this context, David has been specifically focusing on the study of mindfulness-based interventions in clinical settings, and the basic cognitive and neuroscientific mechanisms by which mindfulness-based practices function. We talk about how David began his studies, mindfulness from a scientific approach, and where true happiness is according to science. I would love to hear what you think about this episode. It confirmed what I felt the benefits of mindfulness are and taught me so much more.   Radically Curious David   Getting inspired to think about the mind and the brain and following his bliss Going on a 10-day silent retreat in his 20s after a college course on meditation Presenting his research to the Dalai L