Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Wanting to Want It



Do you find yourself wanting to want it again?You know what I’m talking about. You started working on your goal and you were so excited and motivated, but now the results have stalled a little and it’s hard to get that motivation back. Your desire to do the work has fizzled and you just don’t want to anymore. Where do you go from here?First, know that you’re not alone; we’ve all been there. Second, I’ve worked through this and I know how to help you! There are some simple things that you can do to reignite that spark and get yourself excited to work on getting results again, and I’m sharing them in this episode of Weight Loss for Busy Physicians. I’m going to help you motivate yourself to want it so that you can get back on track for the final stretch to reach your goal. You’ve got this!Topics covered in this episode include:Working with the energy that is available to youAsking for support from yourself and others How to reconnect to your commitment Tune in to recommit to your goal and remind yourself why yo