Risen Church Nc

Summer Psalms: 85 (Jacob's Dream)



The world has really changed over the last 150 years or so. Nothing is more emblematic of this transformation than summertime and all that it means to most of us. What once was a time of year that only made work more grueling, now mean vacation and days of play. America introduced brand new categories to the world, through which we've come to enjoy far better standards of living than our predecessors. We've relished in this American Dream for more than a century now, but has it made us all any happier? In so many ways, we're as strung out, stressed out, and burnt out as ever before. Perhaps all the avenues that promise us everything we could ever want, only actually tease us of what they cannot truly provide us. In this message, we hear an ancient anthem of Israel which reminded the people of God of their need for true revival. While Israel was enjoying prosperity like never before, Psalm 85 pointed them to their greater, outstanding, spiritual need. This Psalm reminds us of the story of Jacob, how he on