Nik And Ant - Ptma Podcast

When is the right time to move on to full rent paying pt? & Live Q&A No.112



Time; 00:43 I have a couple of clients who repeatedly fail to stay accountable to themselvesI always try to ask open questions to understand the challenges, get them thinking about how it plays into the bigger picture and encourage them to lead things in terms of coming up with solutionsAny advice on how I can help them build that level of accountability to themselves? Time; 4:40 How have you guys found sending more emails per week in terms of click through, opening rates etc? Time; 7:00 When/why did you guys decide you wanted to stop coaching and move to mentoring? Time; 8:50 What are the first things to outsource to gain back some time? Time; 10:53 Do you think we should avoid ‘money off’ offers? Time; 12:36 My lead magnet is going to be a 10 day challenge in August, would you create this for the niche only (Dads who want to get back into sport)? any tips for things to consider when setting one up? Time; 15:20 I'm at the capacity I want to be at for f2f, but when I get an enquir