Underdog Empowerment

No Excuses Lifestyle with Paul Casey



Paul Casey's journey from a troubled past to a thriving fitness entrepreneur is nothing short of remarkable. Raised in a broken home where his mother struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, and his parents' split left him feeling uprooted at the tender age of 12, Paul's life seemed destined for a rocky path. Moving to a neighborhood where his family was one of the few white households made him a target for bullying, pushing him towards using anger and violence as a means of self-defense. This led him down a dark road, getting involved with drugs at just 15 to fit in with his peers.   Before long, Paul found himself entangled in a cycle of incarceration, homelessness and stays in mental institutions. By the age of 18, he was incarcerated in an adult jail, and later, he ended up in prison due to his involvement with methamphetamine and firearms. It was during those 19 months behind bars that he had an awakening. Paul realized he wanted more from life and decided to change his path upon release.   However, ol