Out There

Not What We Were Told



My podcast has been about focusing on the positive.  Keeping our vibrations high for what may be coming.  I think I may do some shows about topics that need to be addressed.  Please use your discretion and skip this show if it doesn't feel right.  I've known one of these 3 people for some time and always have had pleasant conversations.  We often have quite a few good laughs.  My 3 guests work in a profession that allowed them to see some things during and after Covid.  We were told the shots would be effective.  We were told they keep us from getting sick.  We were told that the shots would prevent us from spreading Covid.  We were also told, they were safe.  If someone spoke out about this, or even another alternative option, they were shut down.  Doesn't that seem odd?  I've talked to many about this, and maybe it's just a coincidence.   Many have had major side effects from "the Jab" and some may have passed from it's side effects.  How do you prove any of that?  Now, I have 3 people that work in that fie