Kol Ramah

Zoe Takes Us to The Kol Ramah Studios



In our final episode of The Camp Ramah in The Berkshires Summer 2023 Walking Tour, our host Zoe Turnof (Shorashim) takes us on short walk from the chadar ochel to where we have worked all week to create this podcast series. Zoe talks about what she sees in the studio, and then sits down to talk to the rest of the Kol Ramah podcast team, Omer, Ben and Darone. This Kol Ramah podcast series was hosted by Zoe Turnoff and Jayden Weinberg. The Kol Ramah podcast team includes Mitch Mernick, Omer Patito, Ben Conway, and Darone Ruskay. The music for this podcast was recorded live at Camp Ramah in the Berkshires by Rabbi Josh Warshawsky. You can listen to Kol Ramah anytime by visiting KolRamah.us