Testtalks | Automation Awesomeness | Helping You Succeed With Test Automation

Tackling the First Mile in Test Automation with Jonathon Wright



Welcome back to the TestGuild Automation Podcast! In today's episode, we have a fascinating conversation with our special guest, Jonathon Wright. Jonathon is a renowned test automation expert and the Chief Technology Evangelist at Keysight Technologies. In this episode, Jonathon dives deep into the world of test automation, tackling the challenges of getting started with test automation and scaling. Jonathan emphasizes the importance of moving beyond just having test scripts and instead focusing on business-oriented metrics and software quality assurance. He discusses the shift towards a build-versus-buy approach and the need for software vendors to demonstrate maturity and quality engineering. Jonathon also introduces the concept of "Assurity" as a model for software assurance, with quality being the top priority. Throughout the episode, Jonathon touches on various topics, such as leveraging automation to overcome manual testing challenges, the advancements in tools and their impact on the testing industry,