The Life Bath Podcast

S1 Ep 2: Nyomi - Nomipalony



This week I am joined by Nyomi from the blog Nomipalony. Nyomi she is a feminist family blogger and if you are not following her on Instagram then you really have to as she is hilarious and so real. I chat with Naomi all about her parenting journey, why she is passionate about feminism, her fight for equality and why it's absolutely fine to have a hairy pit. I love watching Nyomi on Instagram, her honesty is so refreshing and she makes me want to be more passionate about certain subjects. Her blog covers a wide range of topics mainly focused on parenting, feminism and equality and is incredibly informative and a great hub for parents seeking honest advice. Nayomi talks all about her breastfeeding journey in our chat and how she overcame the problems with breastfeeding and lack of advice when breastfeeding her first baby by researching as much as she could herself. Even though I don’t have kids I love listening to people’s journeys through it all and Nyomi really is inspiring I love how passionate she is abo