Latter Gay Stories

185: Jacob Lambert | I Came Out by Inviting People In



Jacob Lambert's story is about finding support from those around you. Raised in an active Latter-Day Saint family, Jacob’s world view shifted when he began to figure out that he was gay at 16 years old. Despite his awareness of his sexuality, Jacob felt inspired to serve a mission and attend BYU. Little by little, as he let people in he felt more comfortable and confident in his identity and eventually decided to come out on Instagram in June of 2021. As his religious views began to shift, Jacob decided that part of living authentically and honestly would involve transferring out of BYU and being more open about his beliefs. Throughout his journey, Jacob decided to let people in and received mixed responses, but decided to listen most to those who loved him unconditionally. #LatterGayStories #ComingOut #BYU #GayMormon