The Tai Lopez Show

What Daniel Tosh & 5 New Books Have In Common



Hey I just released the 67 steps, check it out here: My brain has been in a whirlwind. Many books, many great thinkers whispering in my thoughts...So instead of focusing on one specific book today I think I'll share 4 or 5 great concepts on living the "Good Life" I have run across recently. They are in no specific order but they will show you the value of diversifying your learning base:1. "(While Leonardo DA Vinci was painting the Last Supper) The prior complained of Leonardo's apparent sloth, and wondered why he would sometimes sit before the walls for hours without painting a stroke. Leonardo has no trouble explaining to the Duke that an artists most important work lies in conception rather than in execution, and 'men of genius do most when they work least'." -- Will Durant "The Renaissance"I talk about this a lot in my 67 steps program (the new version will be out later this week). Most humans pride themselves on their '