The Tai Lopez Show

Letting The Monkey Out Of The Cage: Learned Helplessness



Allan Nation, one of my first mentors says, "One thing I have learned is that most people only take advice that agrees with what they have already decided to do."And that in a nutshell is the root of half of all our life's regrets.So let's continue yesterday's conversation about how to avoid making big mistakes.In today's book-of-the-day,"Influence", Cialdini talks about the certainty bias. Cialdini says, "There is no question about it. The drive to be (and look) consistent constitutes a highly potent weapon of social influence, often causing us to act in ways that are clearly contrary to our own best interests.”>>Click here to read yesterday's article to catch upHe is talking about our tendency to not change our mind.Mental "inertia..." Confusing Me With Facts...Like the saying goes, "Don't bother me with the facts, I've already made up my mind."Yesterday you read about how to make war with a multitude of counselors and assemble your cabinet of advisors.That is the start. The next issue is this 'bug' in our