Grace Church

Devoted: From Rows to Circles | Growing Our Church Family | Week 2



August 13, 2023 | Pastor Derek | Acts 2:42-47 Devoted = “gave themselves to”  Big Idea – We must be devoted to circles, not just rows.Why Life Groups at Grace.   Jesus used a group strategy.   The early church was made up of groups.   Throughout history the church has grown and spread through groups.   Four habits of people devoted to a community of faith.  Devote yourself to the teaching of the Scriptures (:42) Devote yourself to sharing life with other Christians (:42, 44-46) Devote yourself to pursuing God’s presence (:42-43)   Devote yourself to prayer (:42)   The result = God grows His church (:47).  Next Steps   Join a Life Group  Lead a Life Group  Visit for more information on both.  For our daily reading plan and group discussion guide visit