After Dark with Jerome Staten

Episode 1: Secrets Within my Household



Shawn's uncle (Kevin) and his aunt (Cindy), has just left Shawn's house for a random family visit to Richmond, Virginia. Only problem is, Kevin's wife (Tina) decided that she wasn't up for the drive, so she remained at the house with Shawn, Shawn's dad and her kids. Seeing as though Kevin and Cindy won't be returning until tomorrow afternoon, sleeping arrangements have been made for tonight in Shawn's household. When Shawn ends up sharing his guest bed with Tina, the unthinkable will take place beyond the midnight hour. Steamy secrets are being created underneath the sheets between Shawn and Tina, but is it all innocent, and if not, what will be Kevin's reaction when he arrives back in town tomorrow to find out what's been going on during his absence?