Weight Loss For Busy Physicians

Proof Our Process Works with Mia Woodward, MD & Elisa Boden, MD



What if you had the data to prove that your coaching program works?Over the last couple of years, we’ve been doing a study behind the scenes to see how well the Weight Loss for Doctors Only program works. My guests in this episode, Mia Woodward and Elisa Boden, did the bulk of the work in this study, and I wanted to invite them to talk about the process and results with you. Mia, Elisa, and I are sharing what the research process was like, what we learned from it, and why you should measure your program results. Mia is a clinician scientist and certified life coach who studies behavior change, and Elisa is a gastroenterologist and certified life coach who coaches physicians and patients. She helps physicians with burnout and patients with inflammatory conditions of the GI tract. Topics covered in this episode include:Why it’s worth it to study your program results How to make your program the best it can beHow well Weight Loss for Doctors Only works according to the data Have you ever thought about conducting