Living Your Yoga With Dr Melissa West

Yoga Nidra to Soothe Chronic Pain | Yoga with Melissa 664



This transformative Yoga Nidra practice designed to soothe chronic pain. In this session, I offer an alternative approach that doesn't involve suppressing or denying your suffering, nor does it require you to reach some elevated spiritual state. Instead, I invite you to embark on a journey of curiosity and courage, gently exploring uncharted territories within yourself. As you navigate the waves of pain, you will be invited to witness how your heart contracts and observe the stories woven by your thinking mind in response to this perfectly natural human response to pain. This intimate and honest exploration provides new ways to relate to your physical pain. Visualize this Yoga Nidra as a compassionate embrace, tenderly holding your heart's suffering and facilitating the release of the narratives created by your mind. By freeing yourself from the stories generated by your mind, a shift occurs. The pain transforms from an overwhelming burden to a dynamic field of sensations. Embrace the openness and presence