Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR S2017 Ep. 02 "Interrobang" with guest Jessica Spring - Printmaker



What is your favorite typeface? Do you even have a favorite? Do you think you know what furniture is for? Well, don't worry, because in this new episode of Candy Teeth Radio, all will be explained! Join us and our guest, the fabulous printmaker Jessica Spring! In addition to running her very own Spring Tide Press, she is also in charge of Tacoma's annual Wayzgoose Printmaking Festival. This interview takes place on the eve of the latest edition if the festival, by the way, and the Candy Teeth Crew still had a long way to go on our design! Listen as Jessica gives us a hard time, and we learn a whole bunch of awesome printmaking and typesetting stuff in the process! She explains to us the real meaning of furniture, reveals her favorite typeface, and introduces us to the "Interrobang"! Jessica also fields an epic Question From the Weird Beard which spirals into the Printmaking Deathmatch of Doom! Who will be the victor? Tune in to Candy Teeth Radio to find out! Thank you for listening, and as always, Stay Alive!