Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR S2017 E01 A New Beginning/Happy Pills



What were your New Year's resolutions for 2017? Well, here at Candy Teeth Radio, we are resolved to be more awesome and hilarious than ever before! Join us for the first episode of the new 2017 season as we welcome our brand new co-host, Jake Dkoy! Long time listeners will recognize him from some past episodes, and we had so much fun with him, we asked if he wanted to make it a regular thing! So listen in and laugh it up as we introduce Jake and do a 2016 recap! It's been a crazy year, but we at Candy Teeth all made it out alive to tell the story! And we are looking forward to even more fun and craziness in 2017! Also, check out the brand new website,, your resource for everything Candy Teeth. So pay us a visit and click play! We'll see you there, and as always Stay Alive!!!