Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR 62 Painter John Osgood (Who says I'm not that Guy)



Didn't get enough candy this Halloween? Concerned it's creepy to continue asking door to door? Well, you're right, but don't worry, this newest episode of Candy Teeth Radio is here to help! It's the exciting conclusion to our epic two-part interview with Seattle artist, painter and muralist John Osgood! We had so much fun hanging out and talking with him about simply everything that we couldn't fit it all into one episode. Take a listen as we talk about music, art, tatoos, (and who's got them and who doesn't) and are even treated to some more expert tips by former guest and tatoo artist Justin Winter! We also put John on the spot with an interesting "Question from the Weird Beard"! And speaking of former guests, we take a moment to help celebrate the birthday of long-time listener and multiple-time Candy Teeth Radio cold-call recipient Galen Turner! Even though Halloween is over, the Candy Teeth Radio bag is still overflowing with Tricks and Treats, so join us cuz we've got plenty to share! Thanks for listeni