Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR 53 (I always learn the hard way...) featuring Bob Jewell and Carrie Foster of Shroom Brothers



On this interesting episode of Candy Teeth Radio Jeremy and Geoff have a great time flapping their jaws with Bob Jewell and Carrie Foster of Shroom Brothers! They discuss their process of screen printing T-shirts and the interesting way they retail them locally. Jeremy reinvents drawers, and hopes that the statute of limitations is up on a few of his "back in the day" stories. Some of which are little too racy even for the show summary. Bob tells a wonderful tale of breaking bones to Pantera, and there is a lot of hypothetical talk about using LSD. Stick some electronics in the side holes on your head and don't tell anyone you're listening! Have a good day whatever you're up to and remember to stay alive!!!