Candy Teeth Radio!

CTR Episode 37 (It's A Hard Hard Life Bruh) with Mirrorgloss



For this episode the band Mirrorgloss joins us in the candy dish! They are taking the world by storm with their unique blend of dance pop and punk rock. We hear a couple tracks off their new album and explore the creative process behind the music. The ladies of Mirrorgloss are fast and funny so try to keep up as we talk about: - a rattlesnake selfie - a bullet belt bust in Boston - a celebrity dog mansion - murderous savages defending their island - a guy with a 90 minute memory loop - cities installing anti-homeless spikes - the cotton candy dance - and find out what the band thinks of that dab life! Check out more from our guest band Mirrorgloss: Find CTR on Facebook: This episode is proudly sponsored by Shroom Brothers: Stay alive!!!